Using the audit trail system

As of v10.7.0, Preside comes with an audit trail system that allows you to log the activity of your admin users and display that activity in the admin:

Screenshot showing audit trail in action

Creating log entries

You can log an activity in one of two ways:

// in a handler
	  action   = "datamanager_translate_record"
	, type     = "datamanager"
	, recordId = recordId
	, detail   = updatedData

// from a service using Preside Super class
	  action   = "slack_command_executed"
	, type     = "slackcommands"
	, detail   = { command="deploy", commandArgs=commandArgs }

Both of these methods proxy to the log() method of the Audit Service (see links for docs).

Rendering log entries

For an audit log entry to appear in a useful way for the user, you will want to:

  1. Provide i18n properties file entries to describe the audit type and action
  2. Provide a custom renderer context for either your audit type or action


Each audit "type" should have its own .properties file that lives at /i18n/auditlog/{type}.properties, e.g. /i18n/auditlog/ At a minimum, it should contain a title and iconClass entry:

title=Data manager

In addition, for each audit action within the type, you should supply a {action}.title, {action}.message and {action}.iconClass entry:

title=Data manager

datamanager_add_record.title=Add record (Data manager)
datamanager_add_record.message={1} created a new {2}, {3}
datamanager_add_record.iconClass=fa-plus-circle green

datamanager_delete_record.title=Delete record (Data manager)
datamanager_delete_record.message={1} deleted {2}, {3}
datamanager_delete_record.iconClass=fa-trash red

Audit log entry renderer

When audit log entries are rendered, the system uses the AuditLogEntry content renderer. It uses the audit log type and/or action as the context for the renderer. This means that the audit log entry will be rendered by one of the following viewlets (whichever exists):

  • renderers.content.AuditLogEntry.{action}
  • renderers.content.AuditLogEntry.{type}
  • renderers.content.AuditLogEntry.default

The default context renderer looks like this:

<cfparam name="args.type"        type="string"/>
<cfparam name="args.action"      type="string"/>
<cfparam name="args.datecreated" type="date"/>
<cfparam name="args.known_as"    type="string"/>
<cfparam name="args.userLink"    type="string"/>

	userLink  = '<a href="#args.userLink#">#args.known_as#</a>';
	message   = translateResource( uri="auditlog.#args.type#:#args.action#.message", data=[ userLink ] );


This means that you can use the default renderer if your audit message could look like this:

myaction.message={1} did some really cool action

If you need a more detailed message, for example: you'd like to replay the slack command that was entered in a slack command hook, then you can create a custom context for either your audit type or category. e.g.

<!-- /views/renderers/content/auditLogEntry/slackcommand.cfm -->
	action   = args.action   ?: "";
	known_as = args.known_as ?: "";
	detail   = args.detail   ?: {};
	userLink = '<a href="#( args.userLink ?: '' )#">#args.known_as#</a>';
	command  = '<code>/#( detail.command ?: '' )# #( detail.commandArgs ?: '' )#</code>';

	message = translateResource( uri="auditlog.slackcommand:#args.action#.message", data=[ userLink, command ] );

# /i18n/auditlog/
title=Slack commands

command_sent.title=Slack command issued
command_sent.message={1} has issued a command from Slack: {2}
command_sent.iconClass=fa-slack blue